Calcium sulfates
They are divided into two groups, those made with calcium sulfates and carbonates prepared with calcium.
Each product can be manufactured with different fineness and packaged in various formats, following the specifications of each product and meeting customer recommendations.
Sul-cal M-70
Calcium Sulfate is a natural quality, prepared and used as filler in the manufacture of different types of paper and cardboard. It is also used for other applications.
Calcium Sulfate is a top quality and whiteness, used for the manufacture of paper, paints, ceramics, adhesives, caulks and many other utilities such as braces or stabilizers.
Microcal M-50
Calcium Sulfate is a high quality, whiteness and especially extreme finesse. Suitable for the manufacture of adhesives, glues, pigments, fillers, special paints and other applications.
Hamocal C-500
Is a high purity Calcium Sulfate, selected and treated in its manufacturing process for the paper industry, which increases brightness, improve sheet formation and get big load retention.
Calcium Sulfate is a no impurities and extremely white. Hand Selected and appropriate for mixtures with resins and other products with an excellent finish.
Calcium Sulfate dehydrate, special grade known as Agricultural Gypsum and suitable for organic farming. Very rich in calcium and sulfur. Amendment correcting acid soils, saline-sodic, alkaline sodium, regulates the PH and improves the physic-chemical and biological soil.
Terracal (0-5)
Es un Sulfato Cálcico dihidratado, de calidad especial, conocido como Yeso Agrícola y apto para la agricultura ecológica. Muy rico en Calcio y Azufre. Enmienda correctora de suelos ácidos, salinos sódicos, alcalinos sódicos, regula el PH y mejora las propiedades físico-químicas y biológicas del suelo. Aplicación directa al suelo. Su granulometría es de 0 a 5 mm.
Terracal M-60 (micronizado)
Calcium sulfate dihydrate, special grade known as Agricultural Gypsum and suitable for organic farming. Very rich in calcium and sulfur. Amendment correcting acid soils, saline-sodic, alkaline sodium, regulates the PH and improves the physico -chemical and biological soil. Special to be mixed with water and injected into a drip irrigation system or sprinkler.
Calcium Sulfate dehydrate, excellent quality, prepared for use in the manufacture, preparation or processing of products for animal feed. Enrolled in the register of establishments in the sector.
Sulfalim E-516
Calcium Sulfate dehydrate, particularly for use in the field as food additive. With veterinary and analytical parameters credited European regulations.
Es un Sulfato Cálcico dihidratado pre-molturado, natural, ecológico, neutro, absorbente y desinfectante, destinado a las camas de los animales, bovinos, ovinos, caprinos, porcinos, lagamorfos y aves de corral entre otros. Registrado como producto Zoosanitario.